Sunday, September 2, 2007

Abu and Iago

These two have come to live with us, I have found out. Abu, formerly known as B, has taken to becoming a monkey. As in monkey-see-monkey-do. Z, on the other hand, has taken to repeating what other people have just said.
So the other night, Thurs, T was on the couch reading about some kid who goes to a special school, wears a hoodie that makes him invisible, has strange friends, and fights all manner of make believe creatures. I was on the floor in the living room playing with B (our own real life creature), who was, as we were about to find out, beginning his transformation into Abu. I said to B, "where's your belly?". He lifted up his shirt and patted his belly. (COOL!) So then i gave him a zerbert or raspberry on his belly. He found this to be wonderfully entertaining, and ran around the island in the kitchen, squealing with delight the whole way. T looked over the top of her book to see what all the rukus was about.
So I asked again, got the same results, did the same zerbert, and ZOOM!, off he went, around the island.
T said, "what is he doing?"
"victory lap", i replied.
laughter all around.
so i snuggled B, and said, "where's daddy's belly?"
::::insert sound of crickets::::
"B, where is MOMMY's belly" (the book was hiding it....)
so off he scampers and climbs up onto the couch. T lifts the book, B slides in underneath, lifts T's shirt, and pats her belly! So i went over and gave T a zerbert. (No victory lap. :( ) So then B/Abu tried to give Mom a zerbert....except that he hasn't QUITE gotten the she got covered in slobber. Abu thinks that this is WILDY hysterical, laughs, gets off of the couch, and runs over to me where we laugh and roll around on the floor.
Not wanting to take away from all of this learning, I asked B where Mommy's belly was again.
Same performance. Sweeeeeeeeet.
This time, thought, T says that she is going to need a bath now. So i grabbed a tissue and went over and wiped her belly while B held up the shirt. He thought this, too, was funny, and grabbed the tissue from me and finished the job. Then he blew his nose in the tissue before he dropped it onto the floor. Laughter all around again as we realized that B has become Abu.

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