Monday, July 14, 2008


wow. just noticed that it has been quite some time since i posted. you probably already know that weeb fell along the hike and broke her right distal radius. (the big bone in her forearm that is on the wrist side). yea, we were both pretty upset by it. don't worry, kiddo...the trail will still be there next time. we'll just pick up at middlebury gap!!!

let's see...what else? Mame passed away peacefully. Mom and Dolly went down to FL to refresh, recharge, and relax. Weeb went camping along the Maine coast. T and I finished mulching the new garden in the back yard. B has coxsackie virus, which he likely got from one of the daycare kiddos. hey, it happens. for more info, go here

presently i am sitting out on the deck, sipping some OJ. i am on call tonight, so OJ is about as strong as it gets. T had asked me to drain one of the pools, but then i had to lay with B to get him to settle, which of course made ME settle and knocked me out for about half an hour. the pool has been draining for almost 20 mins, but doesn't seem to be getting lower. ah, patience......

so now you are mostly caught up.

M and Z are with mimi and poppie in Hampton Beach. Been there since Sunday, will be coming home (i believe) tuesday night. we haven't seen z for almost 2.5 weeks. M has been gone for 10 days (by the time he gets home), so it will be really nice to have the whole family back again, if only for a while. i am certain that M will be off and running.

ok, off to surf. take care!!!

peace, yo!

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